
Learning Goals

  • Describe and speak to lexical scoping in JavaScript
  • Understand and implement closures
  • Identify scenarios where closures can be useful in code, and use closures to solve specific programming challenges


  • lexical scope also known as static scope. Lexical scope in JavaScript means that the accessibility of a variable is determined by its location in the source code and the structure of nested functions.
  • closure a function that has a reference to its outer/lexical environment
  • higher-order function a function that takes one or more functions as arguments and/or returns a function as its result.

Some Context

Closures is an important concept in programming that can help developers to create more modular and reusable code. Lexical scoping is a technique that allows a variable to be declared within a specific scope, such as a function, and then used only within that scope and any nested scopes. Closures, on the other hand, allow a function to access and manipulate variables that are declared outside of its own scope.

The use of lexical scoping and closures can lead to more efficient and maintainable code, as well as improved security by preventing unintended access to sensitive data. They are particularly useful in functional programming, where functions are treated as first-class citizens and can be passed as arguments or returned as values. Understanding how lexical scoping and closures work can help design more effective and flexible software solutions.

Lexical Scope

Though we haven’t put a name to it until now, our conversations around scope and the scope chain are directly related to what we call lexical scoping.

Lexical scoping means that our scope is statically bound, and therefore perfectly predictable upon authoring our code. You can see lexical scope by looking directly at code, as it reads:

function eatSnack() {
  var hunger = 25;


  function getHangry() {
    console.log('I am sooooooo HANGRY!');


In our example above, the lexical scope for our getHangry function is the scope (and any variables) that are contained within eatSnack.

All inner functions (since functions create new scope) are statically (lexically) bound during the Creation Phase to the parent context in which the inner function was physically defined in the source/program code. Said another way, the getHangry() function is defined inside the definition of the eatSnack() function - because of this, we can’t call getHangry() outside of the eatSnack() function. It won’t work, because its scope is limited to within the eatSnack() function where it was defined.


Closures are expressions (usually functions) which can work with variables set within a certain context. In other words, a closure is formed when a function is defined inside of another function (one function nested inside of another function). This allows the inner function to access to the outer function’s variables via the scope chain.

Let’s build on a definition together. At the most basic level, a closure is when an inner function is defined inside of another function.

This is syntactically and factually correct, but it doesn’t tell us much about what’s significant here. So a more thorough definition might be: a closure is when an inner function has access to its outer function’s variables.

Let’s look at an example:

function greet() { 
  var firstName = 'Alan'; // a local variable created by greet()  
  function displayName() { // displayName() an inner function
    console.log(firstName); // access variable declared in parent fn


Turn and talk

With a partner, walk through the code execution above.

How is this code executing? What details did you note?

  1. When we get to the console log for firstName, the JS interpreter first looks in its current scope (within displayName) for a firstName variable that it can grab the value from.
  2. It doesn’t find it, so it traverses up the scope chain to the parent scope (greet) and again looks for a firstName variable to reference.
  3. It finds it here, with a value of Alan, so the log will say Alan.

In other words, functions can define functions; when returning the inner function and it will “remember” scope.

Now let’s modify this example a bit. Instead of invoking displayName right away within our greet function, we’ll return it:

function greet() { 
  var firstName = 'Alan'; // a local variable created by greet()  
  function displayName() { // displayName() an inner function
    console.log(firstName); // access variable declared in parent fn
  return displayName;     

var createGreeting = greet(); // createGreeting is now a function that can be invoked
createGreeting(); // will run the displayName function and log 'Alan'

Now when we invoke greet, we get a function back (displayName). In many languages, as soon as greet is finished running, our firstName variable would be completely removed from memory.

In JavaScript this isn’t the case. Because there is an inner function here displayName – JavaScript is smart enough to know that this function can still be called (we’re going to invoke it with createGreeting()) and therefore it still needs access to the firstName variable.

So when we run this code, we’ll still get Alan to log to our console. In other languages, they would see this displayName function in isolation, and when it was invoked, it would say “I don’t have a firstName variable to reference - it’s undefined”.

This is why “What is a closure” has become such a big question in JavaScript interviews – lots of people coming from other languages are really surprised by this different behavior.

So our newer, better definition of a closure could now be: When an inner function has access to the outer function’s variables and can remember the environment in which it was created. (So not only does our inner function have access to the outer function’s variables, but it also remembers their values, even if the outer function has finished executing!)

Closures for Protecting Variables

This still might not seem like an incredibly useful feature of JavaScript, but there are some more practical use-cases for closures. Before we move on, What we want to point out about this example, in order to better understand closures, is that:

  • firstName is not available anywhere outside of the greet function. We would say that the greet function “closes over” this variable
  • the inner function, displayName can reference (or even modify) the firstName variable because it is inside the scope of the outer function greet

So one use-case for closures is to protect variables from any sort of outside manipulation. Other languages often have some really nice way of implementing private or protected variables, but JavaScript doesn’t. So if this is something we want to achieve, we would use a closure.

Take the following example:

function analyzeGrades() {
  // We keep these variables private inside this closure
  let privateGrades = [93, 95, 88, 0, 55, 91];
  return {
    changeGrades() {
      privateGrades = => {
        return grade + 5;
    viewGrades() {
      return privateGrades;
console.log(privateGrades) // undefined
console.log(analyzeGrades) // fn definition
console.log(analyzeGrades()) // object with changeGrades method

let instructor = analyzeGrades();
instructor.changeGrades(); // undefined (we are not returning anything from that method, but it is running)
instructor.viewGrades(); // [98, 100, 93...]


Add a new function addGrade to this closure, such that we can update our privateGrades variable, adding a new grade to the array.

Our most thorough definition of a closure is now when an inner function has access to the outer function’s variables and can remember the environment in which it was created. The outer function’s variables are protected by the closure and can only be manipulated by code defined within that function.

In the previous example, you’ll notice we could still technically change those grades and snoop on them if we wanted to. This is why we say JavaScript doesn’t have a true fashion for creating private variables. As developers, we can hide a variable declaration inside a function in order to imply that no one should be fussing with that variable - but we can still gain access to that value. So closures aren’t really going to help if you have truly sensitive data that nobody should be able to see.

Practice in small groups

Consider the following situation. I want to create function that helps manage rent prices, but keeps the actual rent amount private through closure.

const rentPrice = (initialRent) => {
  // your code goes here

var rent = rentPrice(8000);
// Update data using private methods 
rent.getRent() // returns 8000

Hint: rentPrice should return a series of functions for updating our confidental rent (the initial parameter). Take note of the dot notation used to invoked these private methods.

Closures for drying up code

Consider this when looking at the next example: closures can ‘partially apply’ functions in order to ‘lock in’ arguments to make more reusable functions:

const calculateTaxes = (taxRate) => {
  return (income) => {
    return income * taxRate

const taxRateFor2020 = calculateTaxes(0.24)
const taxRateFor2021 = calculateTaxes(0.27)

In this code, calculateTaxes() is a higher-order function that takes a taxRate parameter and returns a new function that takes an income parameter and calculates the tax owed for that income at the given taxRate.

The returned function is a closure, meaning it has access to the taxRate parameter from the outer function even after the outer function has returned. This allows us to “dry up” our code by avoiding duplication of tax calculation logic.

In the subsequent lines of code, we call calculateTaxes() twice, once with a taxRate of 0.24 to create a function taxRateFor2020, and once with a taxRate of 0.27 to create a function taxRateFor2021. We then call each of these functions with different income values to calculate the tax owed.

Using closures in this way allows us to create reusable functions for calculating taxes at different rates, without having to repeat the same logic for each rate. It also allows us to easily calculate taxes for different incomes without having to pass the taxRate parameter every time we call the function.


Consider the following code:

function counter() {
  let count = 0;

  function increment() {


counter(); // Output: 1 2 3

We’re using a closure here, which is great! However, when we run our counter function, it only counts to three everytime. Update this function to return a function that allows us to create many counters that keep track of their count separately.

Potential Solution

function createCounter() {
  let count = 0;

  function increment() {

  return increment;

const counter = createCounter();

counter(); // Output: 1
counter(); // Output: 2
counter(); // Output: 3

const counter2 = createCounter();

counter2(); // Output: 1

Extra Spicy: Include the private methods incrementCounter, decrementCounter and getCounterValue within the closure.

On your own

Make a function that creates a random number generator, and stores the values of the minimum random numbers and maximum random numbers generated between invokations.


Closures are functions that capture and remember the environment in which they were created, and can be used to create private variables and memoize functions. Implementation of closures can result in efficient, modular, and maintainable code, and avoid common pitfalls such as global namespace pollution, code duplication, and side effects. Implementation of closures will be expected in your projects moving forward, and will become even more relevant when working with React functional components.

Checks for Understanding

  • What is lexical scope?
  • What is a closure and how can it be helpful?
  • What is an example of a scenario where closures could be useful in code?
  • Can you think of an example in your current or recent project where a closure would have been useful?
  • What is the difference between a closure and a higher-order function?

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