Travel Tracker
Background and Description
For this project, you will be creating an application to manage and track different trips for users and a travel agency.
Goals and Objectives
- Use OOP to drive the design of the application and the code
- Work with an API to send and receive data
- Solidify the code review process
- Create a robust test suite that thoroughly tests all functionality of a client-side application
Dates and deadlines to be aware of:
Day One Deliverable: Please submit your project here
Tuesday, Week 6 - Project due at 12PM Mountain Time.
- the fetch API to retrieve and add data
- Mocha and Chai for testing your code
Initial Setup
For this project, you will want to use this Webpack Starter Kit repo. Setup instructions are in the README. You will also need to clone down this local server and have it running in a separate tab in your terminal each time you run your client.
Below are all the endpoints set up for this project. You may not use all of them – some apply to extensions. Pay attention to the functionality required of each iteration when picking the appropriate endpoint.
Description | URL | Method | Required Properties for Request | Sample Successful Response |
Get all travelers | http://localhost:3001/api/v1/travelers |
GET | none | object with travelers property containing an array of all travelers |
Get single traveler | http://localhost:3001/api/v1/travelers/<id> where<id> will be a number of a traveler’s id |
GET | none | object of single traveler’s info |
Get all trips | http://localhost:3001/api/v1/trips |
GET | none | object with trips property containing an array of all trips |
Get all destinations | http://localhost:3001/api/v1/destinations |
GET | none | object with destinations property containing an array of all destinations |
Add new trip | http://localhost:3001/api/v1/trips |
POST | {id: <number>, userID: <number>, destinationID: <number>, travelers: <number>, date: <string 'YYYY/MM/DD'>, duration: <number>, status: <string 'approved' or 'pending'>, suggestedActivities: <array of strings>} |
{message: 'Trip with id <id> successfully posted', newTrip: <Object with trip info just posted>} |
Add new destination | http://localhost:3001/api/v1/destinations |
POST | {id: <number>, destination: <string>, estimatedLodgingCostPerDay: <number>, estimatedFlightCostPerPerson: <number>, image: <string>, alt: <string>} |
{message: 'Destination with id <id> successfully posted', newDestination: <Object with destination info just posted>} |
Modify single trip | http://localhost:3001/api/v1/updateTrip |
POST | {id: <number>, status:<String of 'approved' or 'pending', suggestedActivities: <Array of strings>} Only a status or a suggestedActivities property is required for a successful request |
{message: 'Trip #<id> has been modified', updatedTrip: <Object with newly updated data>} |
Delete single trip | http://localhost:3001/api/v1/trips/<id> where<id> will be a number of a trip’s id |
DELETE | none | Trip # |
- All POST and DELETE requests should have the following headers:
{ "Content-Type": "application/json" }
- Remember, a
won’t necessarily run on a bad response (ie 4xx level status) from the server. Make sure you’re checking your response status codes and messages if something isn’t working as expected
1. Dashboard
As a traveler:
- I should see a dashboard page that shows me:
- All of my trips (past, upcoming and pending)
- Total amount I have spent on trips this year. This should be calculated from the trips data and include a travel agent’s 10% fee
3rd Party Libraries
You may choose any of the following 3rd party libraries to incorporate into your app if interested. Please get instructor approval first before choosing to use additional 3rd-party libraries.
2. Traveler Interaction
As a traveler:
- I should be able to make a trip request:
- I will select a date, duration, number of travelers and choose from a list of destinations
- After making these selections, I should see an estimated cost (with a 10% travel agent fee) for the trip.
- Once I submit the trip request, it will show on my dashboard as “pending” so that the travel agency can approve or deny it.
Refer to the “Add new trip” section from the endpoints table above!
3. Accessibility
- Create a branch for accessibility.
- Use this branch to make your dashboard as accessible as possible.
- Push this branch up to GH. You can merge the changes into main but do not delete this branch.
- This branch should not have a login page so that during the live eval, we can run the Lighthouse audit and check tabbability of your dashboard (without the login page).
4. Login
When first arriving at the site, a user should be able to log in with a username and password.
As a traveler:
- I should be able to login:
- I will see a login page when I first visit the site:
- I can log in with the following credentials:
username: traveler50 (where 50 is the ID of the user)
password: travel
- Upon successfully loggin in, I should see my dashboard.
Refer to the “Get single traveler” section from the endpoints table above!
5. Agent Interaction
Your app should now support two different types of users. In addition to having a traveler, you will now add a travel agency.
As a travel agent:
- I should be able to login:
- I will see a login page when I first visit the site:
- I can log in with the following credentials:
username: agency
password: travel
As a travel agent, upon logging in:
- I should see a dashboard page that shows me:
- New trip requests (a user’s “pending” trips)
- Total income generated this year (should be 10% of user trip cost)
- Travelers on trips for today’s date (number, names, however you want to display this!)
As a travel agent:
- I should be able to see and approve / deny trip requests
- I should be able to search for any user by name and:
- View their name, a list of all of their trips, and the total amount they’ve spent (including 10% agent cut)
- Approve a trip request for that user
- Delete an upcoming trip for that user
Refer to the endpoints table above for modifying and deleting a single trip
You should be testing the correctness of your code throughout your project. Each JavaScript class file in your project should have its own test file.
Your testing suite should test:
- Class properties
- Class methods
Remember to test all possible outcomes (happy/sad/etc). Ask yourself:
- What is the value of each property?
- Does the method return anything?
- Does the method update any properties?
- Are there different possible outcomes to test for based on different arguments being passed in?
You are not expected to test:
- DOM manipulation / DOM manipulating methods (like
) - Fetch calls
You will want to submit PRs to your accountabilibuddy to:
- You must give your accountabilibuddy collaboration access to your repo.
- You must submit at least 2 PRs to your accountabilibuddy for review.
It is up to you to decide what changes warrant a PR – remember we want to submit PRs that have significant changes and potential for feedback. Think about what functionality you’re struggling with or have questions about or need help with. As an accountabilibuddy, you are responsible for reviewing at least 2 PRs from your partner.
Please also tag your project manager in any PR you make to your buddy.
- The user dashboard should display a countdown to my next trip (if I have any)
- Allow the travel agent to POST suggestedActivities for user trips (see Endpoints table above). This could be based off of a user’s “travelerType” value.
- Allow the travel agent to create new destinations (see Endpoints table above)
- Utilize an npm package - requires permission from instructors
- Choose your own extension!
Due Date
Make sure you submit your project here by Tuesday, of Week Six at 12pm Mountain Time
Specification Adherence
- 4: The application completes all iterations above and implements one or more of the extensions.
- 3: The application completes the first 4 iterations above without error. Note: Must be completed in order to pass.
- 2: The application completes the first 2 iterations and is in a usable state, but has some miscellaneous bugs.
- 1: The application completes only the first iteration, displaying the user’s data, but has no additional functionality.
UI/UX & Accessibility
- 4: Application has clearly had special consideration around accessibility and usability on devices. Lighthouse accessibility audit is at a 100% and application is fully tabbable.
- 3: Application has many strong pages/interactions. The application can stand on its own to be used by instructor without guidance. UI does not detract from the UX. Lighthouse accessibility audit is at least 90% and application is fully tabbable.
- 2: The application may be confusing or difficult to use at times. The UI is incomplete, Accessibility has been considered, but does not have strong accessible features.
- 1: Application is confusing or difficult to use. The UI is incomplete. Accessibility has not been considered.
JavaScript Style & OOP
- 4: Application has exceptionally well-factored code with little or no duplication. The business-logic code driving functionality is cleanly separated from rendering, view-related code. Excellent usage of
and updates DOM based on results of network requests. Handles all scenarios for error handling. - 3: Application is thoughtfully put together with some duplication. Application is organized into classes with some misplaced logic. Business-logic code is mostly separated from view-related code. Great usage of
and updates DOM based on results in most scenarios, but may update DOM before a network request is complete. Handles most scenarios for error handling. - 2: Class methods use a mix of array and object prototypes and for loops. Application runs but the code has long methods, unnecessary or poorly named variables, and needs significant refactoring. Uses
effectively forGET
but does not implementPOST
. Has little error handling and onlyconsole logs
errors if a network request fails. - 1: Application generates syntax error or crashes during execution. Application is not separated into classes and there is no separation of business-side logic and view-related code. Developer writes code with unnecessary variables, operations, or steps that do not increase clarity.
- 4: Application covers all aspects of the application including various flows and covers both happy/sad paths. Tests must be passing to be considered.
- 3: Application is well tested but fails to cover some features and only tests for happy paths. Tests must be passing to be considered.
- 2: Project has sporadic use of tests at multiple levels. The application contains numerous holes in testing and/or many features are untested. Tests must be passing to be considered.
- 1: There is little or no evidence of testing in the application.
Evaluations will be done live with an instructor. You’ll be asked to step through the various parts of your application including accessibility audit, the user interface, running tests and looking at fetch calls and JavaScript code.